Professor, department of microbiology, mount sinai school of medicine 美国纽约市立大学西奈山医学院微生物学教授
For the study, expected to be published in the november issue of the journal of alzheimer s disease, a team of researchers from the mount sinai school of medicine in new york city maintained a group of squirrel monkeys on either calorie-restrictive or normal diets throughout their lifespans 负责本次研究工作的是来自美国纽约市西奈山医学院的研究团队,他们饲养了两组松鼠猴,其中一组松鼠猴饮食里的热量受到了严格限制,而另外一组松鼠猴则保持正常饮食。
For the study, expected to be published in the november issue of the journal of alzheimer's disease, a team of researchers from the mount sinai school of medicine in new york city maintained a group of squirrel monkeys on either calorie-restrictive or normal diets throughout their lifespans 负责本次研究工作的是来自美国纽约市西奈山医学院的研究团队,他们饲养了两组松鼠猴,其中一组松鼠猴饮食里的热量受到了严格限制,而另外一组松鼠猴则保持正常饮食。